Recycling Campaign Recycling Campaign at the Institute, as well as in homes and businesses in the same town. PS Exchange Library Creation and labeling of books in the Institute’s Social and Public Exchange Library, as well as dissemination and promotion of...
Portfoli of Customers and Seervices Regarding written translation, some of HUMANA’s main clients have been: Regarding written translation, some of HUMANA’s main clients have been: Instituto Floresta Tropical, Museu Paraense Emílio Goeldi, UN agencies...
Versatility Throughout the first ten years of its trajectory, HUMANA COM & TRAD has provided 233 interpretation services in events of a wide variety of disciplines and themes. Of particular note are congresses, meetings and colloquia on political, legal or...
MISSION What is the reason for the company? The mission of HUMANA COM & TRAD is to offer high quality translation and interpreting services, with quality and competence, attracting, serving and earning client fidelity. To achieve this, the company follows...
The Company and its development HUMANA COM & TRAD is a language services company based in Belém do Pará, in the Brazilian Amazon, which started its activities in 2008. The Founder Its founder and director is Sandro Ruggeri Dulcet, professional translator and...
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