
Throughout the first ten years of its trajectory, HUMANA COM & TRAD has provided 233 interpretation services in events of a wide variety of disciplines and themes. Of particular note are congresses, meetings and colloquia on political, legal or economic issues (87), environment (48) and medicine (20). 


Versatility in terms of the topics covered, as well as the ability to adapt when working in remote places, represent an additional value that the company maximizes. HUMANA COM & TRAD is a company that can be counted on to assemble complex infrastructures and has the human and material resources to meet the most varied communicative situations in places with great logistics challenges. 

Communicative situation

To meet the demand for specialized services, HUMANA COM & TRAD analyzes the particular conditions of each event to decide on the human and technical resources needed to render the best in the area of interpretation. 

Because of it is active in a neighboring region the company has additional difficulties both in logistics and in the qualified human resources available. To overcome these special conditions, HUMANA has had, over the years, a series of adaptation mechanisms to the environment, with specially designed travel equipment, easy and quick to assemble, and a highly qualified and willing human team in which can work even in extreme conditions. 

In addition, since its inception, the company has organized a series of training courses for young translators and interpreters, conducted by the HUMANA Institute in collaboration with local university centers and other institutions all over Brazil. This is the reason for HUMANA’S the training activities being fundamental in transforming the landscape of shortage of trained resources into a conducive environment where major massive events such as the World Social Forum and IDEA 2010 have been executed to perfection. 

Mobility, the need for adaptability 

The structure and organization of HUMANA COM & TRAD allows the company to have great agility as well as geographical mobility. In Brazil, it has met a demand for interpretation services in different locations away from its headquarters in Belém do Pará, such as Macapá, Porto Velho, Porto Alegre or Maceió. Thus covering the whole country.

Emblematic Events

With regard to the events performed outside Brazil, it is important to highlight the activities of HUMANA in the Guiana Shield and Africa, where it participated in scientific congresses on the environment, such as the Congress on Social and Ecological Biodiversity, in his 2nd edition in Macapá, 3rd edition in Paramaribo and 4th in Georgetown.   It was also hired by the Office National des Forêts during the implementation of the REDD + project for the Guiana Shield, which turned into a series of 14 technical meetings under the directives of the UN environment agenda where task forces formed by forest technicians and policy makers of the different countries discussed the creation of common protocols for data analysis, assessment of challenges and proposals for environmental policies. 

These activities, with itinerant meetings in the main cities of the region and also in places far from the capitals, stand out for the technical and logistical challenges they entail, especially the logistics of moving equipment and personnel throughout the territory of the Guyana Shield. 

Another equally relevant and complex group of events is composed of the meetings and seminars of the World Social Forum (WSF) held in Belém in 2009, as well as the congress of art educators, IDEA 2010. 

In the case of the WSF 2009, 12 activities were carried out in a wide variety of communicative situations with a varied audience, which dealt, among other matters, with religious themes (World Forum of Theology and Liberation), legal (World Forum of Judges), educational (World Forum of Local Authorities, World Forum of Via Campesina). In addition, in order to attend the ad hoc meetings of the World Social Forum working groups, the HUMANA COM & TRAD team traveled on three occasions to Africa: Dakar, in Senegal in 2015 and to Tunis, in Tunisia in 2011 and 2013. 

Major Events

The IDEA 2010 art educators’ meeting represents a case of a particularly complex event organization, where HUMANA COM & TRAD offered viable and efficient logistical solutions, promptly responding to the challenges presented: professional interpreters (25) and volunteers (70) who worked in the four official languages ​​of the event (Portuguese, Spanish, English and French), as well as technicians (3), receptionists (13) and simultaneous translation equipment (2,200 units). The meetings were held either in a central auditorium with adequate technical facilities, or in small, improvised classrooms for parallel meetings that took place in up to 18 venues at a time.